【双语海报】冬至|餐桌上的团圆味/The Taste of Reunion on Winter Solstice
大江网/大江新闻客户端讯 黄茅冬月,腊味飘香满人家。赣江新区,鱼肥水清映云海。青原晒冬,喜迎新年人欢笑。信丰橙园,脐橙产业人人夸。万年鸭香,丰收人喜笑声哗。江西风物美无边,生态富饶传佳话。
In the winter moon of Huangmao, the fragrance of preserved meat fills every household. In Ganjiang New District, fish are fat and water is clear, reflecting the sea of clouds. In Qingyuan, people are joyously winter harvests to welcome the New Year. In Xinfeng, the orange orchard boasts a thriving navel orange industry that everyone praises. In Wannian, the aroma of duck meat heralds a joyous harvest. Jiangxi has boundless beauty and abundant ecology, which is a well-known story.